On 28 September 2016, Summa Linguae S.A. („SUL”) signed a letter of intent with one of the foreign language service providers regarding cooperation in the field of employee outsourcing. Summa Linguae becomes the first language service provider to create a business line based on the outsourcing of human resources to other industry players. It is also the first major project to be partnered with The Indian company Mayflower Language Services, in which SUL invested in early September this year.
The new business line will include the employment of project managers and administration and HR specialists working in SUL’s offices in Kraków, Warsaw and Bengaluru. The main objectives of this business project are: reducing and optimizing costs for our client and improving project management.
Bengaluru and Krakow are the leading outsourcing centers in Poland and India. We intend to use access to high-class specialists who know foreign languages to offer project and vendor management outsourcing services, HR services or tasks involving digitization and archiving of documents for small and medium-sized translation agencies. Even including our margin and other operating costs associated with moving processes to another place, it is more profitable to commission such services than hiring our own employees in countries such as the UK, France, Germany, Italy or the USA. Cooperation with us reduces costs by an average of approx. 30%. Large foreign companies open their own offices in countries such as Poland or India, but smaller entities are not prepared for this either operationally or financially. Our offer is addressed to them. We want to give smaller and medium-sized companies in our industry the opportunity to optimize costs in a way that has not been available to them so far,” said Krzysztof Zdanowski, CEO of Summa Linguae.
The Krakow translation agency will be one of the few in the world and the only Polish company offering outsourcing services to other entities from the LSP(language service providers)industry. Many benefits in this case are provided by the alliance with the Indian Mayflower, which has been providing such services for several years.
Summa Linguae is a translation agency founded in 2011. A few months later, the company took over two other offices – Warsaw buses b and Krakow Spectraling, which was the beginning of building a consolidation strategy for the Polish LSP market. Since then, Summa Linguae has successfully conducted four further acquisitions and debuted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 2015. SUL is in the top three translation agencies in Poland in terms of revenues. In September 2016, it signed a cooperation and investment agreement with the Indian language service provider Mayflower Language Services, specializing in the translation and localization of software, websites and applications, and the recruitment of employees for clients from many industries.