Top 5 Trends in the Translation Industry

Last Updated December 19, 2019

What challenges will affect the development of the translation industry in 2020? Here are the top 5 trends in the translation industry.

Professional and fast translations are necessary to overtake competitors in the global market while a multilingual communication is currently a must have.

The cooperation between specialists and advanced software based on artificial intelligence is becoming more and more important.

However, this is just one of the trends on our list. We would like to present some more:

1. Machine translations based on artificial intelligence

You are not sure about artificial, automatic translation, are you? There is no need to worry.

Currently, machine translations have little in common with the literal translations that we associate with the origins of, for example, Google Translator. Today’s translation support software is based on neural networks and artificial intelligence technologies.

In practice, it enables accurate translations of large amounts of text almost in real time while having an unlimited potential for self-improvement.

We have implemented an automatic translation process (also for e-mail queries) for a global company which provides a help desk service in over 80 languages.

As a result, not only multilingual communication within the company has been significantly improved, but also the efficiency of the entire enterprise has increased.

2. Post editing of automatic translation

The technological progress does not, however, exclude the participation of specialists in the translation process. Thanks to modern software, their role is shifted to post-editing, error checking and translation verification.

In addition, automation facilitates linguistic consistency and also streamlines the work of many translators on one project.

3. Advanced tools for translation services automation

Software supporting the translators’ work has never been so intuitive and technologically advanced as today. Automation not only positively affects the optimization of specialists’ working time, but also reduces translation costs while increasing its accuracy and consistency.

Tools such as the CAT database will be even more popular than today. It stores data on terminology, specialized vocabulary, gives quick access to collected information and can be integrated with the client’s CMS or CRM system.

4. Video localization

Services that go beyond standard translations or localization will also become more and more popular. The industry is increasingly interested in video content which has recently flooded social media.

International brands which invest in this kind of engaging content format are aware of the fact that video must be understood by audiences in various parts of the world. Hence, the growing need for multilingual subtitles and dubbing services.

As a consequence, the translation industry needs to involve specialists from many fields. Video consists of picture, sound and text and all those elements require translation and localization.

Not only subtitles or dubbing are important, but also a layout tailored to the needs of recipients from different cultures.

5. Voice search

New behaviors’ and habits of web users also raise the bar in the area of SEO. Today, it is not only important to localize and translate content into languages spoken by clients.

In order to beat the competition in the global markets, your content on a website must be ‘readable’ and ‘audible’ to search engine robots in many languages. It is estimated that by 2020 as much as half of all searches will be made by voice.


More and more companies are aware that the success in the global market comes with professional translations.

It is confirmed by the continuous growth of the translation market.

By 2021, its value will reach as much as 56 billion dollars. This is closely related to the huge needs of companies as part of broadly understood communication. It is important not only to accurately translate content in linguistic, but also in cultural terms. Another crucial matter is response time which is constantly accelerating thanks to new technologies.

Importantly, customers are no longer afraid of automated processes and see their great potential in the context of optimization and costs reduction.

Henrik Ström, Marketing Production Manager, Ellos Group states “Ellos publishes an average of 150 new products on a daily basis for our own 4 brands and over 700 other brands that complement our own collections. The combination of Summa Linguae’s automized translation solutions and specialized translator teams allows our customers to find product information in their own language the minute the products are available.”

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