There are many examples of created languages that have been popularized over the centuries. Here's how you...
Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, opened its doors and became the dream destination of working profe...
Over the years, we’ve conducted various speech-related data collection business in China, and the experien...
Twitter fosters a sense of unity in Japan, where fewer characters go a long way. Learn more about how this...
The symbolism of color varies significantly from culture to culture. Businesses use color psychology every...
There are many countries that don’t celebrate the version of Halloween popularized through television show...
To celebrate World Book Day, we put together some interesting literary translation facts, as well as a few...
Does language affect our perception of the world? To answer this question, we’re going to have a closer lo...
In all the chaos of Game of Thrones, it’s easy to miss the details that may be less important to the plot ...
Any quality translator, by reading or viewing the content, will be able to discern the type of Arabic dial...
Bilingualism not only opens the doors to cross-cultural communication, it also positively affects cognitiv...
Back in the late 1960s, a new language emerged as a key factor in the success of marketing in India. Popul...
Billions of emoji are used in conversations every single, but these fun images can still get lost in trans...
We know more about the origins of humanity, the evolution of the species, and the development of civilizat...
English stands out as the world’s most spoken language, and there are numerous variations found inside the...
Humans have possessed the ability to communicate through speech for tens of thousands of years. Our unders...
Much of the English language originates from French. How did this happen, and what do we do with the simil...
The ‘Digital India’ campaign addresses two major issues: a lack of internet access in the country and the ...
Climate change is starting to affect businesses worldwide. Enterprises are struggling with the effects of ...
Emotions are said to be a universal language, understood by everyone, regardless of their country of origi...
Many people around the world find TED talks inspiring and motivational. So we thought we’d share with you...
Learn about the process of translating the Harry Potter series, books filled with neologisms, wordplay and...
Language diversity in India is definitely a strength, with 22 languages and over 720 dialects. Localize y...
Did you know Africa is the most diversified continent in terms of languages? It’s estimated that the...
Arabic is a global phenomenon. Apart from being a means of communication, it also connects the entire Arab...
Further examples to support the hypothesis that language creates reality, and a discussion on how bilingua...
Have our opinions been shaped by our cultural background, religious beliefs, economic situation, or maybe ...
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